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Say Hello to Arrha

We are your local community credit union with lots of membership benefits. Lowest loan rates, low or no fees, and old-fashioned customer service with high tech delivery.

Vehicle Loans

Looking for the best auto financing deal you can get? Get pre-approved today at Arrha and get a fantastic rate! Negotiate just the sticker price, not the loan.

February 1, 2025
Anthony J. Serafino Scholarship 2025 – Applications Now Open!
January 24, 2025
Ways to Protect Your Information.
January 21, 2025
In accordance with the Bylaws of Arrha Credit Union, the Board of Directors will be accepting nominations from its general membership for open board positions in the upcoming term. Arrha Credit Union’s Board of Directors is comprised of 9 member volunteers responsible for developing and setting the credit union’s strategic direction. In 2025, three vacancies will be available for one, two-year terms and two, three-year terms. The Nominating committee will further evaluate all candidates to identify the best qualified nominees for director. The Nominating committee is looking for: Executive Level Business Experience Professional work experience in the areas of Financial Services, Governance, Information Technology, Financial Management, Community Leadership, and Marketing/Communications A passion for the credit union movement To be eligible for a position on the board, a person must: Be a primary member in good standing of Arrha Credit Union Be at least 18 years of age Have never been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust Not be serving as a paid member of the credit union staff

Become A Member

Are you ready to change your checking account from another bank to Arrha but don't want the hassle? Let us help you open an account right now.

To become a Member, open an interest-bearing Member Share Savings Account!  The minimum balance required to open and maintain this account is only $25.00. Once opened, you can begin receiving benefits and choose your reward checking!

Get Started


Here are answers to some common questions. 

  • Who can be a Member?

    Membership with Arrha Credit Union is open to anyone who lives or works in Hampden, Hampshire or Franklin counties in Massachusetts, and Hartford and Tolland counties in Connecticut, and immediate family members.

  • Do I need an appointment to go inside a branch?

    No, you can register to join online or stop by one of our branch locations located in Springfield, MA, West Springfield, MA and Enfield, CT.

  • How do I download Arrha's mobile apps?

    View your balances, transactions, transfer money, pay bills, all from the convenience of your computer or Apple/Android mobile device.  Learn more and download the mobile apps.

  • How do I sign up for Direct Deposit?

    It's Easy as 1, 2, & 3.  Download the direct deposit brochure to submit to your employer or depositing party to have your Direct Deposit or preauthorized credit processed to your Arrha Checking or Savings Account.

  • What is a credit union?

    A credit union is a cooperative financial institution, owned and controlled by its members. Credit unions typically serve groups of people who have something in common—where they live, work, or attend church, for example. Becoming a member of a credit union carries power because credit unions are not-for-profit, and exist to provide members with a place to save money and get loans at reasonable rates.

  • Can I use an Arrha Debit Card when traveling internationally?

    The Arrha Credit Union Debit Card is available for international use.  Simply call us at 413.732.9812 to let us know prior to your travels or log into your Home Banking profile and enter your travel dates.

  • What is Arrha's Routing Number?

    Routing #211885917

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